All windows will need to be replaced at some point, and you may be wondering if the time has come to replace your Kansas City home’s windows. When windows are outdated and old, they can have a negative impact on everything from energy efficiency in the home to curb appeal. You can determine if your home’s windows are in need of replacement by focusing on a few points.

Loose Window Pieces
If you gently shake your windows and some of the components are loose, there is a good chance that air is seeping into your home through the gaps in the window components. In most cases, the best way to remedy this situation is with new window installation.

Light around the Window Frame
While light should shine in through the window panes, you should not be able to see sunlight around the frame. You may be able to caulk a small area or apply new weather stripping. However, if light is shining in around many of your windows, a Kansas City window replacement project may be a good idea.

Cracks in the Windows
A cracked window will need to be replaced, and this includes even minute fissures. Cracks can impact the integrity of the glass as well as energy efficiency in the home.

Drafts in Your Home
Leaky windows can create drafts, and these can affect energy efficiency as well as comfort in the home. If you turn off all sources of air circulation in the home, such as ceiling fans and the HVAC unit, and hold a candle flame near your windows, you may be able to determine if you have a leaky window by watching the candle flame flicker. Most likely, if one window is leaky, they all are. You may need new window installation throughout your home.

Broken Window Locks
Your windows should close snugly, and the locks should latch securely. Furthermore, when the windows are locked, they should apply pressure on them to form a snug seal. If this is not occurring, you may need to consult with a professional to determine if window replacement is needed.

Old Leaky Windows Cost You Money in High Energy Bills
Whether you need to replace one window or all of the windows in your home, now is the ideal time to get started with the project. Windows that are in poor condition can have a negative effect on your home’s condition, your comfort level in the home, and energy efficiency. New vinyl replacement windows will look great, make your home more comfortable, and save you money on energy bills for years to come.